Monday, January 27, 2020

Nutrition for Pregnant Women, Athletes and Children

Nutrition for Pregnant Women, Athletes and Children Introduction to Nutrition Genetically Modified Food Foods developed from organisms whose DNA is changed by applying methods of genetic engineering is known as Genetically Modified foods. Such techniques allow control over food’s generic structure and introduce new crop traits. Example There is several genetic modified food, some of them are given below: Pesticide resistant rape plants Golden rice Long-lasting tomatoes Soybeans Vaccination banana GM foods are derived from organisms whose DNA has been modified artificially, these crops are to improve yield by providing resistance to plant diseases. In future, genetically modified foods will alter the nutrient content of foods by reducing it allergic portion or improving the efficiency of food production systems. The main health concerns for new genetically engineered food revolve around being allergic or toxic through the engineered process. FDA reports that foods they have evaluated till now are not likely to cause an allergic or toxic reaction (McFadden, 2014). Nonetheless stomach sections presented reasonable erosive/necrotic lesions in seven female rats but no one in the panels but no histology was done as these were deliberated to be of no prominence. Even though in senior humans who used aspirin to prevent thrombosis, this can cause life-endangering hemorrhage (Kok, 2014). Benefits of GM food Some opportunities to use GM foods for good are: Better resistance against weeds, pest and other diseases; such as corn Corn is widely grown and an essential grain in the United States. Corn cannot be reproduced without human aid. The below table shows that what % of food is modified in UAE: Conclusion In order to decide regarding the use and regulation of these genetically modified plants, one must be well informed and aware of this new technology. Gestational and Maternal Nutrition Key dietary guidelines for a pregnant woman Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy is vital for both mother and baby. Nutritious diet can help you promote your babys growth and development. Grains Many whole-grain and enriched products contain carbohydrate, fiber and iron. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and beans Protein is important for baby’s growth during second and third trimesters. Protein, B vitamins are present in foods of this group. Dairy products Dairy products are enriched with calcium. Calcium fortified soy milk helps to build baby bones. Recommended supplements used during pregnancy Supplement of folic acid is commonly recommended. Sources recommend 1200 mcg of folate (natural form) per day for maximum benefit. To meet nutritional needs, pregnant women are encouraged to consume a rich, along a daily vitamin and mineral supplement. Recommended food to eat Avocados, Mangoes, Broccoli, Carrots Spinach DHA eggs yogurt, Edamame beans Lentils, Oatmeal Nuts Foods to avoid In order to not get ill or harm baby’s health, there are some foods that should be avoided. Nutritional needs of breast feeding mothers Women are recommended to continue eating nutrition full diet similarly to how they were eating during their pregnancy. A breast-feeding woman requires 200 more calories than a pregnant woman provided that the calories come from nutritious foods. While breast-feeding two to three servings of protein must be taken each day. Good sources of protein include: Meat Poultry Seafood Tofu Dairy products Dried beans The foods that are avoided during pregnancy are also recommended to be avoided during breast feeding because it might cause an allergic reaction or harm to either mother or baby. Nutritional requirements of Athletes Key dietary guidelines for an athlete For an athlete there is an excessive and well balanced diet, which is full of nutrition. As an athlete it is necessary to maintain the proper diet , there must be have proper balance of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and well as calories to improve the performance. Supplements The supplements used by athlete are, BS-Vitamins, protein, omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil), vitamin D, magnesium, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Athletes requires more amount of nutrients they actually demand from their bodies than even almost equal fitness buffs in order to compensate with the help of nutrients, which can be obtained from foods or supplement, so that performance cab be remained for a long time. In order to achieve them maximum level of performance, there are some recommended food to gain maximum carbohydrate storage, it is suggested by the experts that they need to get around70% of its calories from carbohydrates, along with pasta, fruits, cereals, vegetables etc. Foods to avoid There are some foods which are recommended to avoid for athletes, these foods are avoidable to meet with the maximum level of great performance. The avoidable foods are including energy and protein bars, sports drink and as well as it is also needful to avoid Before running a long-drawn-out there are some recommended ways that must be done by an athlete? The foremost tips for them are: Dont carbo-overload A body can store sufficient amount of carbohydrates in order to keep them going for around 90 minutes approx., which it has to help to sweltering fat reserves for liveliness Make the use of plain and familiar foods To avoid from unwanted gas, diarrhea, inflating, it is necessary to take care from junk foods, avoid unused foods and also keep away from spicy foods as well. Supplements used by body builders There are some supplements used by an athlete. It is appropriate for working amazingly, but if diet is not proper then these supplements will not be very much effective. Those supplements are usually included, multi vitamins, glutamine, creatine, thermogenics, ZMA as well (Perret, 2014). Side effects of supplements As it is known that there are several supplements used by an athlete to improve the efficiency However, not all supplements are effective. Although there disadvantages are more as compared to their advantages. As time passes it weakens the body, in some cases it make the body addicted to these supplements. Nutrition for School-Age Children and Healthy Lunchboxes Key dietary The key dietary for school age children are usually including eat four to five times a day, as well as including snacks, which are healthy for children. Degree of development and frequently eat 4 to 5 times per day, as well as snacks which are full of nutrients. After coming back from schools it is good for them to take healthy snacks, because these snacks contribute more third of the total calorie for the day (Napier, 2014). Supplements recommended during childhood In case of required supplements for children, vitamins and minerals are significant elements of the total nutritional needs. The reason is that body is not able to produce more amount of vitamin, therefore some supplements are required to adequate the nutritional need in children. The included supplements are Vitamin A, B, C and D. As body need multiple vitamins, that why vitamins and minerals should be increased in an adequate amount. In certain, a good and increased quantity of protein, iron, calcium and as well as vitamins A and D is necessary. Recommended food As calcium is most significant in school age children, therefore it is recommended to increase the amount of calcium in their daily routine. They need calcium around 500 mg per day, and the best basis of this nutrient is cow’s milk. As well as meat, eggs, wheat is also recommended for them. Foods to avoid These are the following food, which are avoidable at school age of children, for example processed meats, sports drink, canned tomatoes, sugary cereals (Weichselbaum, 2014) Potential food allergens Along with a food allergy, the human body comes into some reaction process as though that specific food product is risky and unsafe. Due to which the immune system of body produces antibodies in order to fight with the food allergen, the constituent in the food that activates the antipathy. In the schools of UAE all types of processed food, as well as all categories of crisps, fries and chocolates are provided, although now it is going to be replaced by healthier selections such as vegetables and healthy fruits in the Northern Emirates state schools and in all Dubai. Ways to Make Food More Fun for children In order to attract children towards healthier foods, there are some interesting ways by which school age children can easily get interest, for example by changing the color of food into their favorite colors, because colorful foods naturally more attracting to children, like this we can maximize their interest, use fun names of their foods. To encourage the use of healthy food in children. Do some additional efforts, a child can detecthungerand fullness better, Formerly offering a subsequent facilitating or serving, test your child by making them await for a few minutes to observe if they are really still hungry. Healthy snacking vs. Junk food Junk foods usually have high ranks of calories from sugar or fat along with littleprotein,minerals and vitamins. Foods generally measured junk foods contain saltedsnack foods,candy, sweetdesserts, gum, sugarycarbonated beverages and fried fast food. Plain snacks similar plain cereals, vegetables and pasta are correspondingly slightly general. What effect does tobacco/sheesha have on our body and diet? Tobacco is a sort of plant that is usually grown in the southeastern of USA. North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, are the manufacturers of tobacco (Khan, 2014). Tobacco smoke comprises a poisonous mixture of more than 7,000 toxic elements. In which 70 types of chemicals can cause cancer among the addicted users of smoking. Here are some of the chemicals. Formaldehyde Polonium 210 Vinyl chloride Benzene There are several side effects for long term smokers. Even though the risks regarding health are at high risks among heavy smokers, the usage of tobacco damages the lungs. Condensed lung function and a deteriorating of difficulties from asthma. All smokers are at further risk for: Coronary heart disease Peripheral vascular disease High cholesterol (LDL) Lung cancer Cancer of the mouth, throat and voice box Cancer of the pancreas Cancer of the kidney, and urinary bladder Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Influenza The common cold Peptic ulcers Although it is not well understood, that smoking can have direct effects on the daily dietary routine. Smoking is related with reduced nutrition intake and subordinate body weight. Nicotine accomplished whichever by means of smoking or by smokeless routes, is considered the main constituent of tobaccos. There are many negative effects of smoking on human bodies. Nicotine and the poisonous ingredients in cigarettes not solitary trough the body of vitamins and minerals, nevertheless they also chunk absorption of these vigorous nutrients. Of course tobacco is harmful for body. Percentage of tobacco use in UAE. Several efforts have been done by the government of UAE in order to control the excessive use of smoking in the Arab countries, different number of orders have been made to put health warning on the packets of tobacco and also decided to start some advertisement campaign with the help of TV and radio stations. After several researches it has been observed that the usage of tobacco is not useful for human being, as it damages the lungs, increases the respiratory problems like asthma. Therefore there should have something in order to ban the usage of these types of toxic elements as it is harmful and spoil the precious life of human being. Smoking is self-sufficiently related with reduced bone density of the hip, in body of younger and as well as older persons. What effect does caffeine have on our body and diet? Caffeine is formed by means of numerous plants as a self-protective mechanism, and the caffeine which is added to soda derives from unused produces of tea and coffee handling. Chemicals existent in caffeine arenitrogenousorganic compoundbelong to thealkaloidgroup, constituents that have noticeable physiological special effects. Sometimes caffeine is safe for alders, but on the other hand it has numerous side effects like it can cause insomnia, vomiting, headache, anxiety and agitation as well, caffeine can also increase heart rate and can disturb the respiration. Even amongst grown person, substantial caffeine usage can become the main reason of unkind side effects. And caffeine possibly will not be a respectable selection for people who are exceedingly delicate to its possessions. As soon as the caffeine enters the body it is previously being metabolized by means of the liver and fragmented into theophylline, theobromine, and paraxanthine. The caffeine metabolites are at that point clarified through the kidneys and after that they exit from the body with the urine. Caffeine also prevents the quantity of calcium that is engrossed over the gastric tract and exhausts the volume reserved by means of the bones. Caffeine constrains the receptors of vitamin D, which bound the quantity that will be fascinated (Bray, 2014). For the reason that vitamin D is significant in the absorption and as well as the usage of calcium in bone, further this can reduce bone inorganic density, consequential in an augmented danger for osteoporosis. Benefits of Caffeine Caffeine has several side effects like caffeine assorted along with carbsrefills muscle glycogen meditations sooner after isometrics. Therefore caffeine is healthier than sleep while you have to be alert during driving We can conclude that caffeine expended by means of ordinary sources is doubtless the preeminent meanwhile numerous of the healthiness welfares of caffeine are perhaps fundamentally because of the extraordinary antioxidant intensities originate by consistent coffee and tea. References Bray, G. A., Popkin, B. M. (2014). Dietary sugar and body weight: have we reached a crisis in the epidemic of obesity and diabetes? Health be damned! Pour on the sugar. Diabetes care, 37(4), 950-956. Kok, E., Pedersen, J., Onori, R., Sowa, S., Schauzu, M., De Schrijver, A., Teeri, T. H. (2014). Plants with stacked genetically modified events: to assess or not to assess?.Trends in biotechnology. Khan, A., Laronde, D. M. (2014). Waterpipe smoking: A healthy alternative to cigarettes or a health hazard in disguise?. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene, 48(1). McFadden, B., Lusk, J. (2014). Cognitive Biases in the Assimilation of Scientific Information on Global Warming and Genetically Modified Food. Napier, C., Hlambelo, N. (2014). Contribution of school lunchboxes to the daily food intake of adolescent girls in Durban. South African Journal of Child Health, 8(2), 59-63. Perret, C., Shaw, G. (2014). 11 Use of Supplements in Athletes. Sports Nutrition for Paralympic Athletes, 167. Weichselbaum, E., Buttriss, J. L. (2014). Diet, nutrition and schoolchildren: An update. Nutrition Bulletin.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Adolf Hitler Essay example -- Biography

Adolf Hitler was born and raised in Austria. From the early start of his life he had a very brutal look on life. When he moved to Munich his life on the streets worsened his views. In the 30s he moved to seize power and make Germany a dictatorship. After becoming Dictator he used his powers to cleanse the nation. His racial views on life and brutal tactics made Germany a world Power. Hitler was born on the eve of April 20th 1889. He had two sisters and a brother. The first three children of his mom Ida Hitler died shortly after their birth. There are few records about Hitler’s first years in Braunau Austria. His own book Mein Kamph gave little detail and they are based on translations (Kershaw 3). He was born to Alois and Klara Hitler. They moved around from time to time to different small farm towns in Austria (Adolf Hitler 3). One day while his father was eating breakfast he collapsed and died. Years later in 1907 his mom died, he then dropped out of high school and headed to Vienna Italy (Adolf Hitler 3). He went to realize his dream of being a painter. He applied to the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts hoping to realize his vision. His paintings got him into the exam but he didn’t score high enough to get in (Adolf Hitler 3). He lived painting and sketching in low taverns while living on the streets (Adolf Hitler1). In 1913 he traveled to Munich. At first he was living on the streets going day to day doing odd jobs. Then he wound up in a men’s home. This is where his Nationalist and Anti- Semitic views skyrocketed (Adolf Hitler1). He developed his first education in politics by studying the Demagogic techniques of Christian Social Mayor Karl Lugar (Adolf Hitler1). This view was brutal and was about keeping the German race pur... ...ermany Hitler’s top officials plotted an assassination attempt, they failed and were all shot. Hitler hired new officials and told them that there Germans were to fight to the death. He holed up in Berlin with the remainder of the Third Reich. The Allied forces stormed the city from all sides and soon the Reich fell. Before they broke the defenses Hitler married his love Eva Braun and a day later the both slaughtered themselves. This brought a end to what is referred to as Germanys darkest days (Adolf Hitler2). Hitler was one of the most brilliant strategists of all time. He was a good leader and rallied his troops although his intentions weren’t noble. He moved Germany from depression and a time of crisis to a formidable force. When Hitler died it put an end to a oppressive tyranny. In Germany today the holocaust isn’t taught because of those dark days.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


What was the most significant conclusion that Gregor Mendel drew from his experiments with pea plants? A) There is considerable genetic variation in garden peas. B) Traits are inherited in discrete units, and are not the results of â€Å"blending. † C) Recessive genes occur more frequently in the Fl generation than do dominant ones. D) Genes are composed of DNA. E) An organism that is homozygous for many recessive traits is at a disadvantage. 2) How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an Individual with the genotype AaBbCCDdEE? rite down the gametes ) Why did Mendel continue some of his experiments to the F2 or F3 generation? A) to obtain a larger number of offspring on which to base statistics 8) to observe whether or not a recessive trait would reappear C) to observe whether or not the dominant trait would reappear D) to distinguish which alleles were segregating E) to be able to describe the frequency of recombination 4)Two plants are cro ssed, resulting in offspring with a 3:1 ratio for a particular trait.What does this suggest? 5) The fact that all seven of the pea plant traits studied by Mendel obeyed the rinciple of Independent assortment. What does this suggest about the seven traits studied by Mendel? 6) In the cross AaBbCc x AaBbCc, what Is the probability of producing the genotype AABBCC 7) Given the parents AABBCc x AabbCc, assume simple dominance for each trait and Independent assortment. What proportion of the progeny will be expected to phenotypically resemble the first parent? ) Which of the following is the best statement of the use of the addition rule of probability? A) the probability that two or more independent events will both occur B) the probability that two or more ndependent events will both occur in the offspring of one set of parents C) the probability that either one of two Independent events will occur D) the probability of producing two or more heterozygous offspring E) the likelihood tha t a trait is due to two or more meiotic events 9) Radish flowers may be red, purple, or white.A cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant yields all-purple offspring. The part of the radish we eat may be oval or long, with long being the dominant characteristic. *** If true-breeding red long radishes are crossed with true-breeding white oval radishes, what will the Fl phenotype? flower color trait in radishes Is an example of which of the B) sex linkage C) codominance D) incomplete dominance E) epistasis 10) Gene S controls the sharpness of spines in a type of cactus.Cactuses with the dominant allele, S, have sharp spines, whereas homozygous recessive ss cactuses have dull spines. At the same time, a second gene, N, determines whether or not cactuses have spines. Homozygous recessive nn cactuses have no spines at all. *** The relationship between genes S and N is an example of A) incomplete dominance. B) epistasis. C) complete dominance. D) pleiotropy. E) codomin ance. 1) Women (and all female mammals) have one active X chromosome per cell instead of two. What causes this?A) modification of the XIST gene so that it is active only on one X chromosome, which then becomes inactive B) activation of the Barr gene on one of the two X chromosomes that then inactivates C) crossover between the XIST gene on one X chromosome and a related gene on an autosome D) inactivation of the XIST gene on the X chromosome derived from the male parent E) the removal of methyl (CH3) groups from the X chromosome that will remain active 12) Which of the following statements is true of linkage? A) The closer two genes are on a chromosome, the lower the probability that a crossover will occur between them.B) The observed frequency of recombination of two genes that are far apart from each other has a maximum value of 100%. C) All of the traits that Mendel studied-seed color, pod shape, flower color, and others-are due to genes linked on the same chromosome. D) Linked g enes are found on different chromosomes. E) Crossing over occurs during prophase II of meiosis. 13) What does a frequency of recombination of 50% indicate? A) The two genes are likely to be located on different chromosomes. B) All of the offspring have combinations of traits that match one of the two parents.C) The genes are located on sex chromosomes. D) Abnormal meiosis has occurred. E) Independent assortment is hindered. 14) Map units on a linkage map cannot be relied upon to calculate physical distances on a chromosome for which of the following reasons? A) The frequency of crossing over varies along the length of the chromosome. B) The relationship between recombination frequency and map units is different in every individual. C) Physical order on the chromosomes is slightly different in every individual. E) Linkage map istances are identical between males and females. 5) Which of the following is known as a Philadelphia chromosome? A) a human chromosome 22 that has had a speci fic translocation B) a human chromosome 9 that is found only in one type of cancer C) an animal chromosome found primarily in the mid-Atlantic area of the United States D) an imprinted chromosome that always comes from the mother E) a chromosome found not in the nucleus but in mitochondria 16) The following is a map of four genes on a chromosome. Figure 1 Between which two genes would you expect the highest frequency of recombination? A) A and WB) w and E C) E and G D) A and E E) A and G 17) How do we describe transformation in bacteria? A) the creation of a strand of DNA from an RNA molecule B) the creation of a strand of RNA from a DNA molecule C) the infection of cells by a phage DNA molecule D) the type of semiconservative replication shown by DNA E) assimilation of external DNA into a cell 18) Cytosine makes up 42% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA from an organism. Approximately what percentage of the nucleotides in this sample will be thymine? 19) What is meant by the des cription â€Å"antiparallel† regarding the strands that make p DNA?A) The twisting nature of DNA creates nonparallel strands. B) The 5†² to 3†² direction of one strand runs counter to the 5†² to 3†² direction of the other strand. C) Base pairings create unequal spacing between the two DNA strands. D) One strand is positively charged and the other is negatively charged. E) One strand contains only purines and the other contains only pyrimidines. 20)An Okazaki fragment has which of the following arrangements? A) primase, polymerase, ligase B) 3†² RNA nucleotides, DNA nucleotides 5†² C) 5†² RNA nucleotides, DNA nucleotides 3†² D) DNA polymerase l, DNA polymerase.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Problem Of Supply Chain Management Research - 1448 Words

This paper addresses an issue within supply chain management research that has not been given much attention, and thereby attempts to bring focus to modern slavery within organizations with international supply chains. It calls for new theory development towards the detection and elimination of slavery within global supply chain, as well as the development of new tools and indicators that can be used to detect slavery within supply chains. After detecting slavery within a supply chain, complete withdrawal of sourcing activities from regions with slavery will likely not solve the problem because of competition seeking to exploit cost effective sourcing strategies. As part of the findings of this research, the paper suggests that the most†¦show more content†¦The technical aspects of the web-based platform are discussed, followed by a more thorough explanation of the learning module itself, and the principles and implementation of the learning methodology. Although it is beco ming more important to avoid travel, the paper mentions that a mix of face to face and online learning activities would still probably be best, especially during the early stages of the platform. Nonetheless, the virtual institute can be used as an effective tool for learning and growth for global supply chain markets. Clinical supply managers have increased logistical challenges represented by the complexities in producing and distributing supplies globally, meeting the regulations and time-constraints, and tighter budgets in drug development. Therefore, new sourcing strategies for companies and implementation of new forecasting tools are vital to clinical supply chain management. This paper reviews a study performed by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development to assess the role of clinical supply chain managers in the global marketplace. Surveys and roundtable discussion, with topics including primary responsibilities, technology usage, outsourcing, and challenges were used to analyze the global clinical supply market. As companies will continue to seek to maximize efficiency and minimize spending within their organization, the paper